Posted by: rocketbride | January 7, 2013

even maggie knew

Back to school today. You’d think it would help, knowing that we have two and a half weeks left before exams, break, and a new semester. But considering that I failed to plow through the BOX of marking I brought home over the holidays, it feels more like pressure than anticipation of release.

Even the baby knew that getting up at 6 am was bullshit. This morning we were denied her usual happy routine of smiles, waves and happy chirping; instead she allowed herself to be carried to me, then she did her best to fall asleep on the breast. Smart kid.

I started a new clinic tonight. It’s a repeat of the same clinic I’ve already done a few times, but this time I’m a Group Leader so I don’t have to pay. Even better, the instructor is my friend from the first year at Bat Masterson, and his wonderful wife is also in the course. To sum up: I’m staying on target, doing it for free, and hanging out with some awesome people. It might get better than this, but I’m not sure how.

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