Posted by: rocketbride | March 3, 2015


You know how I feel about complaining. I mean, I love complaining, but I understand that it gets tiresome. That being said, today was hell on rollerskates, and it has only just settled down.

I guess the place to start is that Maggie is having dental surgery in two days. It’s nothing serious, just a day procedure to fill the thousands and thousands of cavities she has managed to acquire in her 3 1/2 years on the planet. (You know that feeling you get with your third kid, that nothing can tip you over? Whelp.) She’s a bit too young to be patient with people sticking noisy machines in her mouth, so she needs to go under and be fixed. It’s really no big deal. Mason & I are ready to jump out of our skins with anxiety, but for no good reason.

Today we had an appointment at the hospital to see the ward. Maggie loved the lavish toy room, she saw another kid in a hospital johnny, and she was rewarded with Timbits for her fortitude. (This was why the Franklin Expedition never returned: no one promised them Timbits.) I will admit to going off my diet and eating three bits on my frantic drive back to school.

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